Ridwan Sanusi - Interaction Designer

Working as an experience designer at Amazon. This is a daily journal including notes and quotes from recent readings.
January 3, 2025

Why an Early Start Is the Quintessence of Life’

When I am writing a book (which I am about 75 percent of my professional time), my goal on any given day is simply to compose 100 words—a very modest but achievable target, and one that eventually adds up to finished chapters and, ultimately, a completed book. By the same token, researchers find that incremental progress is a great way to address complex policy problems.”

(https://ift.tt/9CvBj48) via Instapaper

December 19, 2024

How To Make The Greatest Comeback Of Your Life - Dan Koe

You must launch into the unknown, feel as if you are drowning, and learn how to swim. That is how you learn anything, and that is why most people learn nothing. They would rather jump off the deep end, complain about how hard it is (as if it were supposed to be any other way, or as if something that is hard is bad or negative rather than reality itself), and blame anyone but themselves for their inability to do anything without it being given to them.”

(https://ift.tt/7ZpR6wJ) via Instapaper

December 19, 2024

How To Make The Greatest Comeback Of Your Life - Dan Koe

Mistakes are nature’s compass.

If happiness can’t exist without sadness, success can’t exist without failure.”

(https://ift.tt/7ZpR6wJ) via Instapaper

December 19, 2024

How To Make The Greatest Comeback Of Your Life - Dan Koe

You’re observant. Maybe a bit quiet. Afraid to speak your mind because they won’t listen anyway. But that silence is killing you. You tried to fit in. You tried to trust others with your future. You tried to demonize money, success, and the rest because you don’t need it to live a good life,” but you need to build. Because that’s how you contribute to others, connect to something greater than yourself, and embark on a unique journey that brings an end to robotic living because you have the money to remove your dependency from that robotic living.”

(https://ift.tt/7ZpR6wJ) via Instapaper

December 19, 2024

How To Make The Greatest Comeback Of Your Life - Dan Koe

In the past, free men were expected to act on their own interests. To do that, it was implicit that they would do and learn many things throughout their life. The greatest designers are only great designers because of their experience in other domains of life, not because they went to a high-status school and somehow studied the same curriculum better than everyone else did.”

(https://ift.tt/7ZpR6wJ) via Instapaper

December 9, 2024


Part of the problem seems to be that nobody these days is content to merely put their dent in the universe. No, they have to fucking own the universe. It’s not enough to be in the market, they have to dominate it. It’s not enough to serve customers, they have to capture them.”

(https://ift.tt/s4voyOV) via Instapaper

November 13, 2024

Altered States of Consciousness

We live our lives and meet our challenges with the intellect, neglecting the opportunities that altered states offer. Maybe we just prefer the safety and predictability of the ordinary mind and the world of thought. We know what’s wrong intellectually but we feel stuck when it comes to getting relief.”

(https://ift.tt/IYGZiUH) via Instapaper

November 13, 2024

Altered States of Consciousness

We live our lives and meet our challenges with the intellect, neglecting the opportunities that altered states offer. Maybe we just prefer the safety and predictability of the ordinary mind and the world of thought. We know what’s wrong intellectually but we feel stuck when it comes to getting relief.


(https://ift.tt/IYGZiUH) via Instapaper

November 12, 2024

Ram Dass — Here and Now — Ep. 259 — Altered States: American Psychological Association Address Part 1

altered states of consciousness”

(https://ift.tt/9oACx5v) via Instapaper

July 16, 2024

Six human skills that will future-proof your design career

Designers who focus on excellence, craft, and quality will thrive and rise to new heights to create unexpected designs that will redefine the height of the ceiling.”

(https://ift.tt/xTwJg7D) via Instapaper

July 16, 2024

Six human skills that will future-proof your design career

Being blob-shaped means you evaluate the situation and shape-shift to do whatever needs to be done to get the best outcome for your goal.”

(https://ift.tt/xTwJg7D) via Instapaper

July 16, 2024

Six human skills that will future-proof your design career

in the world of AI, a much more adaptive mindset would be that designers’ responsibilities would evolve to overlap with those more traditionally associated with product management or product ownership. With automation, the designed experience” will need to be more about the context and less about the pixels.”

(https://ift.tt/xTwJg7D) via Instapaper

March 18, 2024

Agile software promises efficiency. It requires a cultural shift to get right

Agile developers work iteratively, creating functional software bit-by-bit and confirming that the result meets expectations before moving on to the next step in the roadmap.”

(https://ift.tt/tCN3F0y) via Instapaper

March 18, 2024

Agile software promises efficiency. It requires a cultural shift to get right

Many programming teams follow the Agile Manifesto, a set of software-team management principles meant to improve quality and user happiness. Among those principles: Deliver value frequently, maintain a sustainable working pace, keep it simple, and regularly reflect and adjust your development practices to boost effectiveness.”

(https://ift.tt/tCN3F0y) via Instapaper

March 18, 2024

The soul of software

An object cannot have a high bar of quality or soul if the creator did not put care into it. Whether it’s a software designer, Willy Wonka experience organizer, or filmmaker, you can tell if people don’t care about the quality of their work because it’s soul-less.”

(https://ift.tt/ydg83O7) via Instapaper

March 18, 2024

The soul of software

As designers, we’re taught early in our education to detach ourselves from the work. In critique, you shouldn’t take things personally because your work is not you. Though this is true, it’s also difficult for some designers to separate themselves from the work because of how they pour their soul into it. We should take big swings like Villeneuve did with Blade Runner 2049 for everything we create. We might fail, but if we put all our love into it, you might end up making something truly great.”

(https://ift.tt/ydg83O7) via Instapaper

March 18, 2024

The soul of software

All art and creative work is subjective, and I don’t expect everyone to love his style. What I think people all agree on is his craft is revealed through something that’s opinionated, expressive, and deliberate. One does not accidentally craft something.”

(https://ift.tt/ydg83O7) via Instapaper

November 20, 2023

Inversion: The Crucial Thinking Skill Nobody Ever Taught You

The Stoics believed that by imagining the worst case scenario ahead of time, they could overcome their fears of negative experiences and make better plans to prevent them”

(https://ift.tt/kDm6O4A) via Instapaper

October 30, 2023

A Few Laws of Getting Rich

Never be so foolish as to believe that you are stirring up admiration by flaunting the qualities that raise you above others. By making others aware of their inferior position, you are only stirring up unhappy admiration, or envy, that will gnaw away at them until they undermine you in ways you cannot foresee.”

(https://ift.tt/FENiYZ6) via Instapaper

October 30, 2023

Systems Thinking in Design: Shifting Our Mindsets

Thinking in systems can be overwhelming. Because everything in this world can be interconnected, it is very easy to get trapped in a rabbit hole in an attempt to map a system and to understand its dynamics. This is perhaps why systems thinking has relatively slow in gaining popularity in practical industry work, compared to the design thinking movement. It is easy to get stuck in the theoretical framework rather than just take the steps to apply it to work.”

(https://ift.tt/OeWfxan) via Instapaper

October 20, 2023

The Intellectual We Deserve ❧ Current Affairs

what’s new in it isn’t true, and what’s true isn’t new”

(https://ift.tt/saFAi2d) via Instapaper

October 20, 2023

The Intellectual We Deserve ❧ Current Affairs

Peterson’s answer is that people figure out how to act by turning to a common set of stories, which contain archetypes” that have developed over the course of our species’ evolution. He believes that by studying myths, we can see values and frameworks shared across cultures, and can therefore understand the structures that guide us.”

(https://ift.tt/saFAi2d) via Instapaper

October 20, 2023

The Intellectual We Deserve ❧ Current Affairs

A more important reason why Peterson is misinterpreted” is that he is so consistently vague and vacillating that it’s impossible to tell what he is actually saying.” People can have such angry arguments about Peterson, seeing him as everything from a fascist apologist to an Enlightenment liberal, because his vacuous words are a kind of Rorschach test onto which countless interpretations can be projected.”

(https://ift.tt/saFAi2d) via Instapaper

September 5, 2023

The Looking Glass: The Power of the Mindmeld

Explain the entire chain of So what’s

So what? Why should people care about your new idea?

Probably because it accomplishes useful, which the presenter should explain. This part is generally obvious.

Unfortunately, the explanation often sounds like this: So if we do hocus-pocus, this function will now be whizbammable! Then the presenter looks around the room excitedly, as if to say Isn’t that amazing?

The problem is, the presenter assumes the audience understands the So what? of whizbammability. Alas, the presenter assumes too much. The audience (especially if they are executives) are rarely thinking as much about hocus-pocus or whizbammability as the presenter.”

(https://ift.tt/SAODcyb) via Instapaper

September 5, 2023

The Looking Glass: The Power of the Mindmeld

Establish a shared foundation

Before you introduce a new room to the team’s architectural diagrams, you must make sure everyone had the same original plan in mind. It would not do for you to suggest let us add another floor but in your head, the original plan was a 2-story house and in your colleague’s mind, it was a 3 story house. So do the equivalent of showing the shared foundations before introducing your new idea.”

(https://ift.tt/SAODcyb) via Instapaper

September 5, 2023

The Looking Glass: The Power of the Mindmeld

If a team does not have mindmeld, it will instead reap pain — the entire spectrum from resentment to sloppy output, circular conversions to office politics.

If you are on a team and you do not sense everyone is on the same page, you need to make some noise about it.

I find this rolls off the tongue quite nicely: We do not have mindmeld.”

(https://ift.tt/SAODcyb) via Instapaper

September 5, 2023

The Looking Glass: The Power of the Mindmeld

If you and your team are trying to build something together, the same reality holds — you do not get anywhere unless people work towards the same goal, and ideally in a coordinated manner.”

(https://ift.tt/SAODcyb) via Instapaper

September 5, 2023

The Looking Glass: The Power of the Mindmeld

If you and your team are rowing a boat together, your boat does not get anywhere unless you all row in the same direction, and ideally at the same time.”

(https://ift.tt/SAODcyb) via Instapaper

August 29, 2023

Proof You Can Do Hard Things

But if we avoid hard things, anything mildly challenging will seem insurmountable. We’ll cry into TikTok over an errant period at the end of a text message. We’ll see ourselves as incapable of learning new skills, taking on new careers, and escaping bad situations. The proof you can do hard things is one of the most powerful gifts you can give yourself.”

(https://ift.tt/HG3r2gB) via Instapaper

August 29, 2023

Proof You Can Do Hard Things

Our self-image is composed of historical evidence of our abilities. The more hard things you push yourself to do, the more competent you will see yourself to be. If you can run marathons or throw double your body weight over your head, the sleep deprivation from a newborn is only a mild irritant. If you can excel at organic chemistry or econometrics, onboarding for a new finance job will be a breeze.”

(https://ift.tt/HG3r2gB) via Instapaper

August 29, 2023

Proof You Can Do Hard Things

The ability to do hard things is perhaps the most useful ability you can foster in yourself or your children. And proof that you are someone who can do them is one of the most useful assets you can have on your life resume.”

(https://ift.tt/HG3r2gB) via Instapaper

July 6, 2023

A Guide to Building Design System Beyond Primitive Elements

Design systems should address these key principles to build complex components: discovery for composability, building for extensibility and driving consistent layouts.”

(https://ift.tt/Dxg7sme) via Instapaper

July 6, 2023

Working with Templates | ServiceNow Developers

Pages based on an original template will have a consistent look and feel, regardless of where they are used.”

(https://ift.tt/YQKO5nX) via Instapaper

July 6, 2023

Working with Templates | ServiceNow Developers

Use page templates to create pages more quickly. Without a template, a developer needs to create a page completely from scratch. With templates, a developer can either:

Use the original template: The developer needs to pass parameters to the page to match the experience. Copy template contents: The developer has full control over the contents of the page but starts with an existing layout and content.”

(https://ift.tt/YQKO5nX) via Instapaper

July 6, 2023

If you have a complex project, follow Gall’s law” — or it will fail

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked,” Gall wrote. A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be patched up to make it work. You have to start over with a working simple system.””

(https://ift.tt/tRxil9f) via Instapaper

July 4, 2023

Beyond design systems for interfaces: an megasystem of design systems

Every team might be using the same interface design system, but it doesn’t guarantee a harmonious, coherent and consistent overall experience within one product. Not every organisation has a team dedicated to ensuring user journeys and service-level experiences, or processes that enable teams to connect effectively to ensure the re-usability of different components of a user journey. Team members and product managers often self-organise and attempt to harmonise features, journeys and experiences. In organisation with several products (customer-facing, or internal-facing), experiences can also be wildly different between products despite adhering to the same interface design system.”

(https://ift.tt/KoVc9Mq) via Instapaper